Sunday, March 15, 2009

Better men then I

I sometimes don't give myself enough credit. I've been told as much, by people I love and trust. That said I always get the feeling there are better men then I to do jobs that I have done and am doing. I often get an overwhelming sense of mediocrity when looking at my own work. I suppose it's not too different from what an artist feels when reviewing past projects. Oddly enough I often find myself excelling in areas I think I should fail and failing in areas I think I should excel. This has led to certain disconnects that I won't get into (musings for another time). Currently I feel good. I enjoy my current job. I'm having fun mentoring junior soldiers. Even my boss is helpful and supportive. And yet I still feel I could be doing more, that I need to be better, that if I was just a little more focused my team would be more successful, accomplished, etc. Not very optimistic I know, but I'm more of a pessimist anyway.

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